What are we?
Northwoods Manufacturing is a student-run business located in the Hurley K-12 School in Hurley, Wisconsin. All of our projects are handmade by students with assistance from our Wood Shop Instructor, Roger Peterson, and our Metals Instructor, Jake Hostettler. All of our revenue goes to our shop and ensuring that we have up to date materials, machinery, and tools.
Who are we?
All workers in Northwoods Manufacturing are high schoolers, but our program goes beyond high school. All 8th graders in the Hurley K-12 School go through a semester of woodshop as part of their school year. This class gives them the opportunity to learn work ethic and teamwork along with woodworking and other life skills. It also ensures that if they chose to pursue going into woodshop in High School that they are at the level they need to be to keep up with the upperclassmen.
What do we make?
The first projects for almost every single 8th grader are making a cutting board and turning a pen. Making these projects allows them to learn to use every machine in the shop (excluding our CNC, which can be used to engrave cutting boards after production). After they are done with this, all of the students are free to make what they want to and pursue what interests them. This leads to endless possibilities of what we can create such as tables, signs, cribbage boards, pens, etc...

Stormy Kromer
We have partnered with Stormy Kromer (Jacquart) to make custom Stormy Kromer hat cribbage boards. These cribbage boards are created by an experienced and dedicated group of workers who have created an intricate system of manufacturing and quality control to ensure that every cribbage board is up to standard.
Cribbage Boards now available here

Upcoming Events
Hurley High School, WI
Christmas Craft Fair
November 23rd
Hurley, WI
Open House