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102 – Introduction to
Epoxy-Charcuterie Board

This class is typically taken after 101 but if you have some prior woodworking skills, you are welcome to take this course. This class will consist of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on work under the supervision of a Fine Woodworking instructor.
In this class you will build a Charcuterie board by learning how to find hardwoods of different characteristics and flaws (which may make then unsuitable for other projects), machine the boards to specifications, glue-up, correct the flaws with either natural or colored epoxy, build feet, sand, attach handles, and apply a food safe finish.
The best part of this project is that you will create a piece of art that you can proudly display in your own home or give as a gift. Similar charcuterie boards can be found on Etsy for $200 and up making your board an excellent value.
All materials will be supplied
February 10th-13th
3:30pm - 7:30pm

To sign up for courses, fill out the form below or send a request to petersonr@hurley.k12.wi.us . We will contact you with billing and enrollment details